Monday, July 3, 2017


Sometimes strained
but never cut
Like sandalwood
Like a memory
You can’t tell
what twists
and turns
your life
will take
can you?
only the good
ones from now on
You all stumble,
but you have
to know what
to reach out with
You were
in freefall,
Expecting me
to catch you
Don’t look back, baby
don’t look back now
You think
you were
all the while
you were falling
faster than a stone
In everyone’s life
there are
stumbles and falls
If you’re lucky,
there will be
to catch you,
pick you up,
give you a rub
help you get back
on your feet
you fall,
and no one
comes running

Doors open
where is it
going to lead
I don’t know
what’s scarier,
naked emotion
or naked truth
We worked
on a lot of doors
most times
we didn’t know
where they were headed
My heads
in a bit of a spin
Don’t you love
those mornings
laying in bed
listening to
the rain
all cozy
in your cocoon
and everything
is right with the world

Dark eyes
the know
What else
Is there to know

Those who
have been
broken can
become an expert
at mending

You got a new spell,
thats whats going on
I Hear you laugh
and the lonesome
sparrow sings,
pick up
your breadcrumb sins
You woke up
my neighborhood
Wild place,
as I recollect,
hard to forget
As Maya Angelou said,
"When someone
shows you who they are,
believe them."
Only divides
light from dark,
chose a side
or don’t cross
I’ll embrace
your company
as long
as I have it
It remains
behind our eyes
a memory
Another day
in the path
I fear to tread
Nobody can
tell you
there is a road
you take by yourself
When I’m searching
for the brightest star,
there you are
into the sea
of waking dreams
I’ll plunge
Close your eyes, dear
Chasing the past
I stumbled onto the future

People get
so caught up
in the rat race,
Pretending they’re not
Enjoy what’s right
in front of you
before you acclimate
to the beauty

You don’t want
to stumble over
your first hurdle
I guess that’s
the downside
of having it all,
you end up with nothing
Whatever makes
you sit up
and rattle your cage
that’s where you put your focus
Angel at my table,
my cage had been rattled

The future
accumulates like oh, wait, the past
Build a bridge, move on
a save to our senses
Don’t get caught
up in your own storm
You’re the one
Thar could mirror
The sky with flames

~Sarah Mahina Calvello~

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