Thursday, December 18, 2014

~Storm Text~by Sarah Mahina Calvello

the sky is beautiful today
something is coming
cold and restless sky
rest up and keep warm
cuddle pillows and tea
the relaxing smoky hug lingers

it’s coming
dark and angry
the storm of change
the intensity of the moment
hot cocoa for you
cold cocoa forme
exhausted after a long day

danger is everywhere
even in the sky
but don't go chasing it
just follow the twists and turns
that winds down
to my heart
you won’t get lost
in my arms

because I’ll hold you close

Sunday, November 23, 2014


~Birds 2~
~by Sarah Mahina Calvello~

everyday passes by
and you can barely see
huddled within yourself
layers upon feathery layer
a folded winter flower

thick and cold with wear
you’ve missed so many birds
bare and black
on whispers of gray branches
icey circles in the cold gray
you wait
almost not knowing
what for anymore
hold onto the good
and let go of the bad
like breathing
like something more
a liquid sigh trembles

in the drowsy shadows

~2 Dollar Coffee Revised~

~2 Dollar Coffee~

~by Sarah Mahina Calvello~

2 dollar coffee
alone with my dancing thoughts
brown leaves
under my feet
and hanging bells
of white flowers
stain the air

brown knobs of branches
undressing themselves
bark hanging in the wind and trembling

the branches curves around each other
a secret hug
in icey swirls
and cold twists
and curves
against the gray blue

another cup of coffee
is another smile
a hint of something better
that will play on your face
for awhile

another book
dark blue paper cup
like a abandoned bookmark
on the sidewalk
a place where you were
a reflection
of nothingness
that has so much value
shadows of blackbirds
arch in the distance
color the street with quiet dust

Saturday, November 22, 2014

~2 Dollar Coffee~

2 dollar coffee
alone with my dancing thoughts
brown leaves
under my feet
and hanging bells
of white flowers
stain the air

brown knobs of branches
undressing themselves
bark hanging in the wind and trembling

the branches curves around each other
a secret hug
in icy swirls
and cold twists
and curves
against the gray blue

another cup of coffee
is another smile
a hint of something better
that will play on your face
for awhile

another book
dark blue paper cup
like a abandoned bookmark
on the sidewalk
a place where you were
a reflection
of nothingness
that has so much value

Thursday, November 6, 2014


by Sarah Calvello

you made it look so easy
everyday was amazing and new
like the orbs of fruit
you placed in my hand
curling my fingers around it
the greatest and simplist gift
you could have offered  me
meant the most
the air burnt and swirling

          But you will rise like the Phoenix does
          ya you can kiss my ashes
          You will rise like the Phoenix does
          Leaving dust behind you
          So you can think of what you’ve done
         Whatever you do do it well
        do it well, no hiding
        those were last words to me
        It's like your checking that I'm abiding

        Your last words ring true
        But I don't know how you meant it
        I don't know if you had faith in me
        but from now on they're cemented in my memory
        and I will go on my merry way

        The sunrise always will rise in the morning
       I can go on now
       moving on without hesitation
      arise you army just waiting there
      arise without hesitation  
     remember my words well
     remember what I teach you
     my words will weigh heavy
     I might be here today But I might be here tomorrow
     you made it look so easy

Saturday, October 18, 2014



jasmine bells
in the pale wind
green water shadows
hug the dusty road
winding along itself

it takes great courage to love a tainted world
you have more courage than I would ever would know
its the perfect who need love, not the imperfect

to look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing
its the beauty laying inside like a unfurling flower
the expected petals of passion
to love oneself is the beginning of a great romance

I hate to see you go
but I love to watch you walk away
fly into the fire with me
we never learn to fly without crashing a few times
looking in your eyes
I’ll never forget
your sweet, laughing smile

delicate lily lines
lights the shadows
of her

we will untangle
what’s tangled

Saturday, September 6, 2014

~Stars in French, translated by Lennin Millan~

"Quand il a essayé de changement pour la première fois, dit-il rapidement venu, j'ai goûté les étoiles. Ouais, je pense sont va avoir besoin de plus de ce. Prochainement, nous avons mis en bouteille toutes les étoiles pour vous." ~ La faille dans Nos stars

thats la chose à propos de la douleur
il demande à se faire sentir
Je veux me sentir enfin
enfin ouvrir les yeux
voir la montée et de descente
de tous les jours

ainsi déguster les étoiles
avec moi
sentir la luminosité veloutée
miel épais
sur votre langue
fermez vos yeux
et essayez de ne pas se soucier
aussi longtemps que vous le pouvez

si vous voulez l'arc en ciel
vous avez à traiter avec la pluie
les bons et mauvais moments
le soleil étalé sur un trottoir
et une tasse de thé
est tout ce que je besoin de ce temps
les étoiles
sont notre laid et beau

par Sarah Calvello

~Ode to Kamalanie in French, translated by Lennin Millan~

Ode à Kamalanie ~ ~
Sarah Mahina Calvello

le ciel tremblait
quand tu as été pris
le vent hurlait
et tourbillon
chassant les feuilles

vouloir jouer
vouloir descendre les escaliers
nous voir
peu importe ce que nous avons dit

est que le temps
Je veux que vous savez que votre sur mon esprit
Je t'aime tout le temps
Vous pouvez aboyer à moi
à tout moment

Je n'oublierai jamais
ses yeux d'ambre
votre souffle sur ma peau
peau café brûlé
enchevêtrés et blanc
avec des souvenirs

Non, je n'arrête pas de penser
J'entends ses pas légers sur les escaliers
clous de bois chatouillé
en ce que l'écho familier
cela ressemble à la maison

~Ode to Kamalanie in Spanish, translated by Lennin Millan~

~ Oda a Kamalanie ~

por Sarah Mahina Calvello

el cielo estaba temblando
cuando te llevaron
el viento estaba gritando
y remolino
persiguiendo las hojas

con ganas de jugar
querer ir por las escaleras
a vernos
no importa lo que dijimos

era que el tiempo
Quiero que sepas tu en mi mente
Te quiero todo el tiempo
puede ladrar a mí
en cualquier momento

Nunca olvidaré
sus ojos de color ámbar
su aliento en mi piel
piel café quemado
enredado y blanco
con recuerdos

No dejo de pensar
Oigo sus pasos suaves en las escaleras
las uñas cosquillas la madera
en ese eco familiarizado
eso suena como en casa