Monday, November 9, 2015

~Dear barista~

I tasted the holidays today
in a cup of cinnamon hazelnut coffee
you asked if
I wanted it hot
I said yes, it was cold enough
and you laughed
turning away
in a red blur

the first sip
made me smile
this was what I was missing
and needed
to remember
and melt the cold

the cinnamon
was heavy and sweet
on my tongue
with a hint
of joy
with hot hazelnut
like a smile
you forgot
you had

and I smiled again
you drew
a reindeer
in white foam
made me light
for a moment
like a child again
it’s these things
you remember
these little gestures

there you are
now and then
I can see the truth
above the lines
trying to hold on
trying to amaze
so you don’t
miss the warmth
of the candle
trying to amaze

its beautiful
when you talk
even though
you are only repeating what you know

but if you listen
you may learn something new
I need to believe again
I need air
were all primary colors
at heart
along the way

~Sarah Mahina Calvello~

1 comment:

  1. I really liked it Sarah! I noticed a typo "he first sip
    made me smile"
