Tuesday, September 15, 2015



This Is Just to Say
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

~Jack Keroac

a old man with gray hair
and gaunt face
reminded me of my father today

clutching a plastic bag
with one peach
and one peachpit
laying in the bag
beside it

bending into the wind
in the pale sunshine
of the Chinese fruit market

it reminded me of the poem
my day would always tell his kids
the Jack Keroac poem
about the forgotten plums
in the icebox
and how you read it to us
voice low
and melodic
like something warm
and rolling
and I smiled

whenever I bite into
a plum
the dark
the mosaic of purple
the cool bitterness
that plays on my tongue
I think of you

hold  every memory
as you go
were just sheets
to the wind
blowing aimlessly

life is just a hurricane
you have to go through
the end is the beginning
nothing behind you
everything ahead of you

I am new
not old
in youth,
the heart is never
it’s just
the blue shadows
and melodies
of no relief
no one is to blame

the aimless
they blow
stolen coin of happiness
in a paper coffee cup

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